Milan Jutsu
us Saturday I woke up early and loaded the car I started to Milan for a day's lesson by Certa Sensei.
After going through all the long and Emilia Ligabue heard his first songs that expressed in an unequivocal manner, and a lot more now, the origin of "Misty" and farmer, born in this land that we know well, arrival finally to its destination without a hitch it slow.
Obviously the other participants had already arrived in the living areas rather than adjacent to Milan, I hate to be late!
Changed the speed of light and worn keikogi are entered into the dojo, the others had already had a chance to warm up a bit, I did not have the time, starting immediately with the Aiki Taiso, however, that in itself warm enough (he was born on purpose) and prepares the body for various movements more or less complex to tackle.
The "tension" in me was not walking, we saw after a while and I wanted to look good, show me what I was trained!
Turning to the strengthening muscle exercises terrible for those not used to (luckily I do it often enough and it all slipped away well).
are then passed to the practice with some senior students who helped me in every way with great humility and cooperation, despite my daily training, some things are beyond me and they always have corrected if required, thanks!
After some time (a lot) of work on the ground I was allowed to go to Bokuto; the pace of training and the extreme concentration have meant that the hardness of the techniques and above all the practice time we went almost without my noticing, the adrenaline in me ran lot, as I said I wanted to do well. Some
Kata and get the stop here for lunch.
include a speech and the other Sensei has demonstrated his "humility" and open-mindedness and spirit inviting us to turn to the various Dojo, knowing other people, seeing other types of practice and other methods of teaching, because he has as the yardstick on the value of the person, sure of itself, is second to none, in fact, they look like a true teacher should always different associations do .... or not!
Should I go to Japan I know Sensei, will happen sooner or later, the better the quality of things rather than quantity!
In the afternoon we returned to work in pairs to Tachi, a workout really exhausting, uninterrupted, hard, martial, no frills ... as it should be, then move on to other kata with bokuto, and here I have to thank me further Sensei provided an opportunity to study some outside my next exam, but he saw me coming from Kendo prepared and so ready to learn kata "superior."
Among several suggestions, and "anecdotal" I hold absolutely for me almost as "treasures" and that I in turn reveal to my students, has reached the end of the day, hard, a real day of Jutsu, without exaltation pseudo Japanese, without unnecessary frills, I must say that, once back in the car a smile of satisfaction I marked his face, the body is now in pieces but the spirit was flying high!
I have attended many workshops, seminars, courses, etc. but I hardly found much consistency, martial and humility as this time, I would like to thank the participants, the Sensei and me too, why not, if I had not got up the other morning I would not have the opportunity to learn so much! Great
Ki !!!!!!!!!!!!