Friday, April 9, 2010

Brown And Orange Bathroom Accessories

Record incredible Canalis had an affair with a singer neomelodico?

Runs for days on news of a social networking site Facebook which, were it not for the photographs accompanied by a witness to what was stated, incredible: the famous Italian showgirl , which for some months now is doing to talk about his relationship with American actor George Clooney , would have been, always according to the rumors that run on Facebook and on the Internet, a relationship with a singer neomelodico source bell. This is the singer Sandro Sani, a native of Gricignano di Aversa (in the province of Caserta), also known by the readers of our blog because in the past we have proposed some video clips of two songs from the album. The "romance" would have occurred in recent sttimane in an unidentified resort to "VIP" of Capri. The whole thing would bring grist to the mill of those who got excited to say that between the Italian showgirl and the Hollywood star would air of crisis, an irreversible crisis. We await the developments of the whole thing. We will keep you updated as soon as the news will be confirmed. One reason for this may be a pathetic frame orchestrated by some bloggers who do not have a heck of a week, has seen fit to start fiddling with image editing programs, just to have a few laughs.


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