Italo Calvino's Six Memos
I have read this precious book of Calvin at least 10 times.
Yet I can not grasp it. I find, is both simple and profoundly elusive. It looks like the example of the charm of the obvious and glaring at mysterious limit at the same time.
And every time I read it is a discovery. The chapter on light or on a host, for example, teach me something new every time.
More explicit title is the subtitle: " Six proposals for the next millennium "
Even though it is an essay reads like a story, a story to Calvin, or at times surreal and picaresque.
For those who want to go into the narrative mechanisms. Then (should be) for everyone.
The book is based on a series of lectures written by Italo Calvino in 1985 for a series of six lectures at the University Harvard, as part of the prestigious Norton Lectures, "in autumn of that year, but never held because of the death of Calvin, which occurred in September 1985.
Lessons U.S. notes offer useful to guide the transformations that appeared before the eyes of its author. The computer of his years is still configured scope number, but Calvino gives us insights that go well beyond these applications. In all lessons Calvin emphasizes his preference for short texts. Calvin also offers tips less obvious, like that of writing as a control system. It still stresses the importance of rhythm, even in prose narratives. Each
lesson is inspired by a value of literature that Calvin considered important and that he considered the scientific literature for the new millennium.
6.Coerenza (designed only)
Each lesson can be connected roughly some of the most famous author, for example, the issue is addressed in light of our ancestors and The Baron in the Trees, The Path to the Nest of Spiders is rather related to the speed. Proceeding in this way, you can connect to the accuracy The cosmicomiche and Ti with zero in the Multiplicity If a Winter's Night a Traveller, Invisible Cities visibility.
When he died, Calvin had finished all the classes except the last. The book was published posthumously in 1988.
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