Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lorna Morgan Medieval

Take care of yourself by Antonio G. Balistreri

Continue philosophical debate about the practice. To understand if you really fundamentally philosophical practice can help an existential reflection or not. But if so, why the need to specialize? should not philosophize all, whatever happens? It was not, in fact a practice common to all antiquity? Is there need to "pathologize" the inconvenience to justify an intervention specialist?

From the back cover: "This book is based on three topics are closely related. Presents an idea of \u200b\u200bphilosophy, an idea of \u200b\u200bcare and an idea man. The assumption is that care is an essential part of man and that philosophy is the form of care. In essence, sees man as a being in need of care and the same philosophy as a cure. If "cure" can be said with many meanings, one in here emerges with particular force: the existence of philosophy as therapy. The current recovery of a practical dimension of philosophy, and its therapeutic role, through caring existence in order to tackle the evils that are inherent and should be avoided or overcome those who depend on us. "A medicine for the soul Cicero said - there certainly is the philosophy and"

Balistreri AG, Taking care of yourself. Therapeutic philosophy as the human condition, Apogee 2006


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