Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fotoadapter Leica Apo Televid 77 Nikon Camera

Marcello Veneziani

A good book, very erudite and language a bit ' cryptic.
Veneziani is a sophisticated thinker, no doubt, but she has written better in my opinion.
In this essay has dealt a big topic, so single-subject, and then could not help but wander among the infinite worlds.
However, a useful book, because it thought-provoking and leaves just before the destiny. A vision is certainly not pessimistic, but certainly a bit '... Fatalistic.


From the back cover: "In the ordinary sense, destiny is conceived as a cruel policeman who pulls nails in the life of a lot. In reality, the fate of being rooted in the future, gives meaning to the incident , connects the existence of a draft and a persistence. To be is to have a destiny. "Today we live in a desert full of sense of accessories. We have everything except the meaning of life. And for the first time we feel a short space and time, which together produce eradication, that is an irreparable loss place felt like home and refuge, and "instant", that disappeared in the past and the future of this maelstrom. not free ourselves from the fate has given us the freedom and wisdom, he left us at the mercy of the case, a tyrant even more blind and more neutral. You can now reconsider the fate of recognizing intelligent design to life outside the determinism of science? Marcello Veneziani deals with the fate of reading by turning the key "to height of man "and passing by fate itself - and solemn metaphysical entity - her lovers, or those who before the sunset of history, faith and thought it does not pretend that nothing has happened, not to go back and even welcomes the release occurred, but again the thought in relation to reality and this tabula rasa. An attempt to overcome nihilism and Nietzsche, referring back to classical and neo-Platonic tradition, to Simone Weil and Maria Zambrano "

Veneziani M., Amor fates. Life between chance and destiny, Mondadori 2010


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