I read a lot of criticism and controversy about this book, so I thought it was a good book to read. Scontatezza some criticism of the characters and on some worlds, the supposed cleverness of the author, that has used the true story of a girl who died of leukemia 15 years to build the story.
the mother of the girl resentment is understandable and should be respected, but the others?
moralism hairy Italian! Always see the rot behind everything and to consider "normal" the rotten truth.
The author hath been inspired by a true story? Where's the scandal? He made the truth verosimigliante! A must for a writer!
He invented a character in "good" and not meeting adolescents empty of reality? Who would be the moral and stereotypes? (But there's that word?)
The professor of the novel is an alternate member of the nerd stereotype essay and philosophizing? You've never met? There
thank God! They are the ones that save some of our boys from the miseducation of the company the media today!
There are, thank God, for those lucky enough to meet at least one on your own path.
Well ... Permit me a digression is the Bible (Genesis 18, 20-32):
In those days, saith the Lord: "The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave. I will go down and see whether they have done all the evil that has come up to me cry, I want to know. " Those men left there and went toward Sodom, while Abraham was still before the Lord.
Abraham approached him and said, "Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city: really want to delete them? And do not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? Far away from you to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be as the wicked; away from you! Perhaps the Judge of all the earth do right? ".
the Lord said: "If you find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city to forgive them all about that place."
Abraham answered and said: "It is presumptuous to speak to my Lord, I who am dust and ashes, perhaps I will miss five of the fifty righteous, for these five destroy the whole city?". He replied: "Do not destroy it, if I find forty-five. Abraham
shooting still talking to him and said: "Perhaps there shall be forty found." He replied: "I will not, for the sake of forty."
He said, "It's not my Lord be angry if I speak again, perhaps thirty are found there."
said: "I will not, if I find thirty there."
He said, "It is presumptuous to speak to my Lord! Perhaps twenty are found there. " He replied: "Do not destroy it for those winds."
He said, "It's not my Lord be angry if I speak just once more: Perhaps it will
ten." He replied: "Not destroy it for the sake of ten. "
Here is the question we should ask ourselves today. There are at least ten
teachers in our school right? (Mind you: right, not perfect) There are at least ten young people in our society as well? At least ten adults, children, parents, old ...?
Well, it will be due at least ten if you just save our school, our future and our society.
A book that made me cry, I was deeply moved.
A book like this, so you can move, is a good book, a literary work. Buy it and read it: because worth much more and will be much more useful than many manuals on how to deal with teenagers.
From the back cover: "Leo is a sixteen year old like so many, love chatting with friends, football, the raids on scooters and lives in perfect symbiosis with its iPod. The hours spent in school are a torture, the professors "a protected species that hope is extinguished permanently." Thus, when a new alternate history and philosophy, he is preparing to welcome him with cynicism and balls soaked with saliva. But this young teacher is different: the light shines in the eye when he says, when spurs students to live intensely, to seek their dream. Leo feels within himself the strength of a lion, but there is an enemy that terrifies him: white. White is the absence, everything in his life relates to the deprivation and loss is white. The red hand is the color of love, passion, blood, red is the color of the hair of Beatrice. Why Leo's got a dream and called Beatrice, though she still does not know. Leo also has a reality, closer, and, like all the appearances close, harder to see Silvia and its really reliable and quiet. When he discovers that Beatrice is sick and that the disease has to do with that white so that scares him, Leo will have to dig deep within himself, and bleed reborn, to understand that dreams can not die and find the courage to believe in something bigger "
IBS Review: " They are full of nuances eyes when the teacher tells the stories of the Thousand and One Nights, telling the story of humble men who do not know they have a treasure buried in front of the door of the house and travel at breakneck speed across the desert in search of a dream. The professor "Dreamer", according to his high school class of sixteen, she knows nothing of real life is after all only an alternate "loser" ... but when those kids look disheveled and sleepy appears before the entire color palette of earth and lights up with enthusiasm. For
Leo, however, things in life can have only two colors: white and red. White is the emptiness, boredom, silence, solitude. is the tremendous feeling that all the guys feel, that the world is completely detached and indifferent, that everything is meaningless and alien. The red hand is the blood pumping through veins before a game against the second D is the adrenaline that goes up when shoot him sfidone "in scooter with Nico. Red is Beatrice. Every evening after school Beatrice, with her red hair, wait at the bus stop, while Leo the speed past at full speed every time risking his life. He would do anything to attract his attention, because Leo is love, is crazy about Beatrice.
For a boy of sixteen, in the grip of the two parents are always present and attentive, there are philosophies of life to embrace, or moral systems to follow. There is no superstructure and turns of phrase, the authority must demonstrate that parents and the forced socialization of the school timetable, requirements and tests in mathematics. In the eyes of a teenager in love the only thing that matters is life and life is an eternal trepidation. Sometimes, though, even the beautiful and promising youngsters like Leo may happen that all come apart in your hands. Sometimes, at worst, it can happen that enthusiasm goes off suddenly, the wires you break suddenly, the dream of your whole life, that fragile and precious thing that was moving every step you take, you explode in your face.
Then we take a look amazed. We, the professor dreamer who pursues him to the parks and benches in the city, his mother, who wants to keep it tight like a child, as well as Sylvia, her best friend who would like magic to give him all the strength that can could only be a woman. Suddenly
in Leo's life, everything becomes white, like the blood of a person who has a disease that can shut down, consume, we have all the red in the body. White pain as crowds of people who do not know any way how does one deal with such an illness, such as fear that makes us run away, run far away, as fast as we can, away from death.
It is written with a simple heart and a sensitive pen, this story of young rich and good. is written by a high school teacher who has put in each row not just feelings, but also many quotes, images and references that shine with wisdom. For those who are expecting yet another novel training will be a surprise. So is discovering that adolescence is much more than age, is an ineffable and crazy wind that ruffles the life
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