Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Are Basque People Like

Pino Farinotti

The idea is compelling and original narrative. The classic premise for a story; the answer to the question "What if ...?" . The contrast
psychology of the characters is well defined.
Ma .. the story is not convincing, because it lacks plausibility.
Islamic fundamentalist terrorism is basically a desperate. Social despair. And rarely belongs to the rich world, middle class and with a conscience formed and settles over the centuries by the Enlightenment, Romanticism, secularism, rationalism, relativism, scientism, communism, liberalism, sociology ...
A world where, instead, belongs to the novel's protagonist. So
not credible.
unlikely that one so you get to sacrifice their lives for an ideal, too weak, easily rebuttable, for a mind as his intellectual.
unlikely that one so you get to sacrifice their lives without faith (to believe ... I mean really) into a paradise of the righteous in the afterlife, in a ransom escotologico real.
One way is too bored with life, but nothing very desperate and hopeless socially.

short, a good story, curious, certainly to be read lightly, but remember that, as Mario Vargas Llosa, the novels should tell "the truth of lies" .

Franco Ferrari, intellectual, successful, and basically moderate spirit secular, takes stock of its disastrous private life. In particular, no longer bear to live a life devoid of all passion and ideal, lazy and passive in the face of persistent attacks led to a model of society, the western one, which nevertheless feels compelled to defend. What's more, the relationship with a woman of Tunisian origin and the meeting with a Saudi dignitary's open our eyes to the greater "vitality" of Islam, a Christian, he realizes, at best, he believes, is a Muslim certain, and for this reason that is not afraid of extreme behavior. He was born in an intention to do something concrete, a need that is becoming more pressing as a result an interview with the dying already Veronesi, famous journalist and polemicist, and a kind of "call" from the past. An ancestor who participated in the Battle of Vienna on 11 September 1683, where the army of Mohammed IV was stopped, seems to call to action. In the end, Frank sees an unprecedented project: entering a mosque wearing an explosive belt and blow himself up, showing the world that is capable of handling a Western absolutes. First, however, explain its reasons in a long letter, and will procure a witness who says the last part of the story. But no plan, not even the most perfect, takes into account all contingencies.


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