Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Head Piece For Formal Occacions

The letters to Santa Claus by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's hero

Grand Master of Fantasy does not disappoint. Never.
Grandmaster also in the design practice as well as literary.
Despite the title and the recipients of the letters (the children of Tolkien), these tales are ideal for older kids and adults.
For children the fundamentals remain sound and unbeatable tales of the Brothers Grimm . But these beautiful

Letters to Santa Christmas should be read and not necessarily at Christmas, much better than sitting under a beech in a beech forest.

In the end, then ... Who would not want a father like Tolkien? Read, famous and able to devise such a surprise to their children? Of course, we now have available to Nintendo, Ipod, iPad, TV, PS2, but he ... Poor thing! In the '20s, he had to invent something to surprise your little children!

Now that we are entering now in full swing in the '10s ... What to give to our children by next Christmas?

The JRR Tolkien began December 25, 1920 to send their children to Santa Claus letters signed. Put in white envelopes with snow, decorated with drawings, franked with stamps of Posts and Polar containing illustrated stories and poems, they continued to get home Tolkien for over thirty years, brought by the postman or other mysterious ambassadors. A selection of these annual messages, sometimes in the form of transcripts logogrifi colored, make up this fairy tale entitled "The Christmas Letters," written by Tolkien in episodes not so much in the vein of paternal education and happiness, as in the rump all'ippogrifo philological his imagination and ironic.


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