Tuesday, January 4, 2011

D2nt Profile Wont Load

NEWS ': A new classification on the readings

------ NEW 'ON THE BLOG -------

Now we introduce a new classification of books which is the blog.
This is a different point of view on the classification, rather than books for themselves, the readings and its related reflections, evocations, emotions, a subjective classification of the duties undertaken by the books themselves, complement, and not an alternative to traditional .
Everyone, if you like you can also use it to obtain advice and guidance.
And here, for example, as a children's book by Michael Ende Momo , can be classified under the heading philosophy, or the novel white as milk, red as blood, Alessandro D'Avenia , it may be a direct and useful way to deal with adolescence and understand various aspects related to that particular world, equal to and perhaps even better, than any other manual of psychology cry.


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