Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sample Share Sales Agreement

BERLUSCONI LOSE CARISMA and voters greeted him

These days, reading the polls, would be starting to crack inmodosignificativo consensus around Silvio Berlusconi. Ungiudizio confirmed by manifestations of intolerance against his person that took place March 17 during the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of national unity. I would consider two footnotes to this: first, that polls are always taken with the tongs and the other, that Berlusconi èungatto a hundred lives. Woe to take it for defeat, it is something of a phoenix reborn many times from its ashes. However, there are some elements that suggest a deep crisis began to Berlusconi and Berlusconi and I will try to argue my thesis because of carismaticità moving from that which was often, and appropriately, used about Berlusconi. A constitutive feature of charismatic power is the bond of loyalty and identification that is established between the leader and his followers, but this constraint does - and it's the other side of carismaticità - until the boss, the leader is able to satisfy the desires, appetites, aspirations of his followers. When this does not happen, the charismatic power collapses. This is what is happening in this period: today Berlusconi is no longer able to satisfy appetites - very real, very material - of his constituents, who are beginning to move away from him so. This posting does not a criticism of the moral order regarding the relationship between sex and power that Berlusconi has embodied over the years and sent as a natural form of personal power. Italy is now a largely secular country for, including especially the voters of Berlusconi who are often rather complacent of his sexual prowess. The separation, if it does, it produces assign to another ground: that of concrete and material interests of his followers who dissatisfied by their leaders begin to take consider the possibility of leaving him. But a process is far from straightforward, not at all obvious, because they act at its root deep and very strong interest. As can be seen from the expectations of votes these days, is still high "undecided" voters, as is the high number of blank ballots. In this act certainly also a dissatisfaction of voters who do not identify the center positions of Pd and, for example, policies consociativistiche that his secretary continues to offer now for a year. But certainly at that concentration of abstention and blank ballots, there is a large number of voters who are beginning to distance itself from Berlusconi reaching, for now, the choice of abstention or blank ballot. In this way they seek to buy time to figure out which way things actually evolve and if Berlusconi is able to resume his duties, now declining, a charismatic leader. It is therefore a choice of waiting. Whatever opinion you want to give, today is a more open and dynamic past. But because this movement is strengthened - and why that sea salt to refrain began to melt - it is necessary first of all a political party of the center. Instead they continue to appear static and not yet ready to face a new dynamic policy that can not be reduced to "sacred union" against Berlusconima must start thinking in positive terms a new political perspective, and can not hinged in a strong reaffirmation of the dialectic as a predicate imprenscindibile bipolar political life, present and future of our nation . Secondly, and more importantly, on the question of so-called "links". Democracy despotic type Berlusconi is hinged on the breaking of any systematic constraint, with the exception of the type of charismatic and a reduction in all forms of individualism without doors or windows. This was the main condition of its domain in recent years. This instead affects of the celebrations for 150 years is the search for a large part of the Italians of new forms of bonds that are in these days gather around the shapes and constituent myths of our national identity. We should not naturally emphasize phenomena of this kind, but in some events of recent days has expressed something new, which must begin with a politics that wants to project itself beyond the Pillars of Hercules of Berlusconi and Berlusconi.
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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Do I Have Strep Or Bronchitis


After the surprise move by Lactalis, who last night announced that it has 11, 4 % of Parmalat and be ready to rise again, politics and trade unions today called for more voices to the defense of the italianity Collecchio: the acute fear that it might pass in French hands another piece of strong brands Made in Italy known throughout the world. So much so that the government itself decided to take the field. After the passage of the Bulgarian French giant LVMH, efforts to Groupama Premafin and with the risk Edison runs out in full in the hands of EDF, the government announced countermeasures to defend the Italian companies by the advance of France. In the meeting at Palazzo Chigi between Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti, the undersecretary to the Prime Minister Gianni Letta and the French Ambassador to Italy, Jean-Marc de La Sabliere, the government informed the ambassador on the intention to adopt quickly a measure to protect Italian companies operating in strategic sectors such as energy. Under the lens in particular the dossier Edison and Parmalat. In 'waiting, looming battle to win the last action the board of Parmalat: the last date of submission In fact, four of the lists that next April 14 will contest the 11 seats on the board. After 20% of the shares traded on the stock market in the last three trading sessions, today was again a day of intense exchanges, with 6% changed hands. And there have until April 1 to buy shares useful for attending the meeting. Yesterday, the deadline for filing its lists, the sides were outlined for the control of Parmalat. Intesa Sanpaolo, which has only formally on its 2.14%, to reapply the current Enrico Bondi and the renewal of the board shall prepare a list of top-level names, including Luigi Gubitosi (for Wind), Roberto Meneguzzo (Palladio Finanziaria ), Annamaria Artois (Chairman of Confindustria Emilia Romagna) Patrick Grieco (Olivetti) and Elio Catania (ex IBM, ex Fs, the current president Atm Milano). "The presentation of our list is a contribution to finding a long-term industrial project in the interest of the shareholders of Parmalat, but also the country," said the chief executive of Intesa Sanpaolo, Corrado Passera. Labour Minister Maurizio Sacconi has called on Italians to come forward and propose to the end. The solution that might give substance to these claims would be to promote tender offer with one or more Italian industrial groups. In this regard there has been talk of a possible business combination with Granarolo, Intesa Sanpaolo is a shareholder in 19%. What is learned from financial sources, the institute led by Corrado Passera is therefore to work in search of a 'white knight' to realize the operation. Among the names that you make is also that of Ferrero, which may have been approached, like other professionals, to set up an Italian consortium. To compete directly with Intesa Sanpaolo there are foreign funds Mackenzie, Skagen and Zenit (which hold over 15% of Parmalat), whose list of 11 names at the top sees Rainer Masera (to be proposed as chairman) and Massimo Rossi (to be proposed as Interim CEO). And, indeed, Lactalis, which filed for its latest list of 11 names headed by Antonio Hall (top manager of the French group in Italy) and which are part of the Francesco Tato and others, Riccardo Zingales. The funds belonging to Assogestioni, bringing together a 2.28%, have submitted their list of nominating minority leaders Gaetano Mele (for Lavazza), followed by William Cooper and Nigel Paolo Dal Pino (ex to Wind). The three foreign funds for their candidate's mouth at the head of Parmalat, Massimo Rossi, they have the distances marked by Lactalis profess themselves advocates of independence and Italy's Parmalat and Lactalis would have a different project.

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