Karima El Mahroug not yet Ruby Heartthrob, he had turned seventeen when he began to engage in prostitution through the good offices of the Director of TG4 Emilio Fede, Lele Mora agent of the Regional Council of Lombardy, Nicole Minetti. This is the public prosecutors in Milan, deputies and Oven Boccassini and Sangermano pm, wrote in the notice of closure investigations filed yesterday and sent to the defenders of the three suspects accused of aiding and induction of prostitution of girls (32 plus minor , at the time, Ruby) that have enlivened the evenings "bunga bunga" of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. According to prosecutors, in fact, the three, which will soon be asked for the trial, had "led and stimulated the activity of prostitution carried out by the lower Mahroug Karima El "in the period from September 2009 to May 2010. That is, since the beauty contest in Sicily, during which he met the young Moroccan Emilio Fede, until the period of his detention for robbery and the subsequent release by the Police of Milan, thanks to the phone call to Berlusconi, who is charged with extortion those pressures. The accusation of child prostitution that Berlusconi is on trial in Milan, however, the prime minister comes from the fact that, as written in the magistrates 'notice of closure of investigations yesterday, Ruby, thanks to' involvement and organization of Faith , Mora and Minetti, "engaging in sexual with Silvio Berlusconi in return for monetary compensation and other benefits, at the residence in Arcore the dates February 14, February 20, February 21, February 27, February 28, March 9, April 4, April 5, April 24, April 25, 26 April, 1-2 May 2010. " In thirteen occasions, in short, Ruby took part in the festivities of the chairman of the board hard, those evenings that judges and reconstruct divided into three stages according to their rate erotic. Before the dinner, then the "bunga bunga", "that took place in a room used as a disco where the participants were performing in masks, striptease and erotic dancing, touching each other or touching and being touched in shares intimeda Berlusconi. "Then the third phase, ie when the premier chose 'one or more girls with whom to spend the night in intimate relationships, persons who were paid sommein money and other benefits in addition to those delivered to other participants." Because, according to the indictment, all the girls "were informed of the charges other economic advantage they would have received in respect of their sexual availability and educated on how to recruit and conduct on the nature and purpose of the evening." An organization which, for various reasons, were responsible for Emilio Fede, Lele Mora and Nicole Minetti. Indeed, it was the director of TG4, along with the manager, to deal with "the identification of young women willing to prostitute themselves" with Silvio Berlusconi 'personal information on the physical characteristics of the girls available and, in some cases, evaluating the person beforehand to satisfy aesthetic requirements. " As to the role of the former dental hygienist, however, according to the Milan magistrates' intermediate the systematic provision of fees for the activity of prostitution ', which consisted in the granting of such apartments in the Via Olgettina as' economic contributions paid prior consent of Silvio Berlusconi , through its trustee Joseph Spinelli. " According to the magistrates organized parties with prostitutes Arcore went on until January 2011. That is up to the January 14 searches, the explosion of the scandal and almandato summons delivered to Berlusconi.
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