Sergio Conte
E 'was a good start to the season Minibike Championships. The arena Motodays inside the Fiera di Roma alternate races and cross Minibike Motard, Minimoto, Mini GP, Maxi, Minicross, Supermoto and Quad Motard. A four-day drew over 150,000 spectators, certainly an important showcase, especially for small 4-stroke. The track set up and prepared by FX Action was detected very technical and well cared for, while the strongly competitive races were interesting. Forty were pilots who were presented on Saturday for the first challenge of the season on the track cross. The most interesting race of the day proved the validity of the double Minibike: Italian and European. In the category Pro (European) victory in both races, to champion the trans Mike Valade who took it, right now, the peak of EMU MINIBIKE EUROPEAN CUP 2011, behind the Frenchman Alexandre Baptiste with a second and third place in the heats. The Italians have become well-raised, the confirmation came from Massimiliano Dragonetti, Wyss's MX Team, writing and also to 'Europe, who finished third overall. The strong pilot Lazio, reigning champion of the Amateur in 2010, is now passed into the PRO immediately showing all his potenziale.Sempre in the PRO, with all it takes to give a hard time with Mike Valade, also took to the arena Lorenzo Cook , Team Bernini, but the Tuscan undermined its final result due to a mechanical failure which forced him to retire in race one, given the fact that race 2, he delivered an excellent second place to cook it was a 'missed opportunity. Excellent performance in the European Ciro Morgera (Motor Club Cerbone), Sergio Spruce (Lem Moto Club Diano Marina) and Nicola Buglioni (Motor Club Pellicorse). As In category Amateur (European) the red remains glued to the table of French Godefroy Clement, winner of last season the only race in the Lingotto in Turin. The pilot of Lyons was on track to Rome to defend the table No. 1, he drove well in both races and with a second and a first picked up the highest score. Very good performance of Lazio Claudio Nicolamme (Motor Club Massantini) who took the win in Game 1 with great determination. This category has lived up to great in both races, and to keep alive the area's high ranking you have also thought of the Italian riders including Lorenzo Grossi (Massantini Motorcycle Club) and fourth in race 1 and a second place in race 2, Luca Martines (Team Bardahl) with two third places. Both currently have placed well in the European level on points and in Italy. Also excellent tests Testa, Scacciotti, Stefano Miglionico, Pontecorvo and Moscatelli.Nella PRO category, as regards the Italian Championship, the challenge from the start Marche Alceste Pallotta (AX Racing Team) and Gimmy Bosio (Motor Club 100 Towers of Alba). Currently the two are level on points at the top of the league in third place Massimiliano Dragonetti (Wyss MX Team), then the order of Cyrus Morgera Moto Club Cerbone Sergio Spruce (Lem MC Diano Marina) and Nicola Buglioni (Motor Club Pellicorse .) In the category Rookie is commendable, of course, the young Ligurian Yannick Sega on Lem and between girls Martina Mariotti, bearer of Pellicorse Motorcycle Club, who with great determination was thrown into the fray of the most crowded category. Next meeting with the MX Minibike Italian Championship on Easter Monday, April 25, on the run Grottazzolina in Ponzano di Fermo, while the Europeans are defining the second test that should take place probably in France. The rain has broken out in the 'last day of Motodays. The day Sunday preserved the public a very intense program with racing Supermoto, Quad and Minibike Motard Motard, rounds that were held all under water. The small 4-stroke braved the weather and the "irreducible" battled in race conditions with the wet side of dirt road that has not been ruled out, savoring it, finally, the real motard Alceste Pallotta (AX Racing Team), which after victory in Game 1 seemed geared to winning race 2 also, towards the end of the race had to give some positions when his engine started to pop because the water penetrates the vulnerable, forcing him to fourth in the heats and the second in the day. Therefore, the victory went to great teammate, Vincenzo Testa, and with a second and first gained the victory in this coveted trophy Motodays, in its second edition dedicated to Minibike Motard. Third place, the Sicilian Giovanni Caruso (Motor Club V. Lanteri), one quarter of the young Ivan Chiariotti Moto Club Beans, fifth on the Ligurian Sergio Spruce Dream Motorcycle Club Diano Marina and sixth overall for Mirko Papini.Nella Supermoto race for the big show Samples for the specialty with the victory of Christian Ravaglia (Suzuki-GS Gold Flames) at the order came Massimo Beltrami (Honda Gold Flame-GS), Massimiliano Porfiri third on a Honda, fourth Teo Monticelli Honda, fifth Davide Gozzini on KTM.
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