Expensive oil, also linked to Libyan crisis that has already pushed gasoline to the highest, will soon also have an impact on electricity bills and gas. Already in April the tariff Nomisma Energy experts estimated a rise of 2% for methane and dell'0, 8% for electricity. An increase that, if confirmed by the Authority for energy in the usual quarterly update expected in late March would result in an increase of almost 25 euro on an annual basis the expenditure of each household (+21.2 € for gas, +3.2 € for light). "After the flames of petrol prices, again the highest in July 2008, the poles are coming on electricity tariffs and gas," says Davide Tabarelli, Nomisma Energy expert, pointing out that if the predictions were confirmed in the update of the tariff ' Authority, it would be the second consecutive quarterly increase for gas and electricity bills of the first rise for more than two years. In the next quarter April to June - said Tabarelli - the gas bills are expected to register a 2% increase to 76.5 cents per cubic meter for one household (1400 cubic meters consumed in a year) would result in an increase of € 21.2 on a monthly basis. An estimate that - he added - is based on "automatic calculation and rules set by the Authority." In terms of light for which the estimates are "more difficult", the estimates suggest leaving - he continued - a rise of 0.8%. That is to say an increase to 15.7 cents per kilowatt hour for the same family type (225 kilowatt hours consumed in a month and a power input of 3 kW) would mean an increase in annual expenditure of just over three euro. The expected price increases should be the first in a series, it notes explaining that Nomisma Energy expects a bullish trend 'will continue throughout the year 2011 "for" the mechanisms, regulatory or market, with which they are passed on to consumers the higher cost of oil. " Italy "is among the countries most exposed to international trends of oil, and it shows in their bills, with gas prices that in fact, a delay of nine months, is pegged to that of the barrel. It is also the source most used in power generation. "
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