The President of the Council decided to present to judges. Ghedini, one of the premier legal: "Every Monday will be in the classroom." The intention is not declared Berlusconi is to use the court to make a campaign presenting itself as a victim of persecution and righteousness. Ghedini sure: in the classroom every Monday. Justice: "On Thursday reform era. " Silvio Berlusconi raised: the justice center "will create a landmark reform" and will go over everything, since the reform of wiretapping, now that "no estimates have failed the" Fini said that "when this measure of justice ' . A telephone connection with a convention of 'We the reformers' central Italy, the Prime Minister has also returned to attack the opposition. Attack the opposition. "They all claim that I attack the institutions. We have this albatross of the left, one left who invents all now also my connection to the institutions, while it is false, I who subisco attacks without solution UPS for 17 years. "Message to Women Conference PDL. Already this morning, in a message sent to the first national conference on labor and employment for women of the PDL, the prime minister had objected to the "left" not welcome "in front of anything in the last desperate attempt to get with the media and judicial shortcuts that do not unable to get in the ballot box. Who is trying to politically exploit women do not defend them, but the mortification. " "There will be no early voting But Berlusconi - during the phone call in Abruzzo - also took the opportunity to clear up cases of early voting:" There will be no early parliamentary elections. It would be really a loss - he said - for our country give a signal not to have stability of government and to international finance, that what happens in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, it is very important to have a stable government and with full powers. " After all, second prime minister, "the polls tell us that we are always the first party in Italy, despite the attacks of the left and newspapers, we are 30.6% and then go forward with great consensus, stressing that its majority can count 51% of Italians and is now even stronger thanks to the fact that there is no finer with its "no ruling on any reform of justice."
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