March 8, WOMEN 'shooting' ITALY
What happens when the anniversary of the Unification of Italy meets the women? What happens when women decide to recover the Risorgimento, take to the streets and say 'the world to forgive us Italy'? Happens that 150 years of history can be found in a day, which is March 17, birth of a united Italy, but on 8 March, a symbolic date that for many this year will be the continuation of that 'If not now when' that February 13 last year saw the square filled with a million women (and men) in many Italian cities. It happens that 150 years of stories about the role of women in the country become self-narration of women on their role in Italian society. With a task, which is also the appeal of the event: 'Italy return to the world'. Yeah, why is not the first time. After all is said motherland, the word nation in a feminine way, Italy is a name of donna.Perchè? From where it is and where it leads an identification so strong? It is certain that women were not to choose it, just as they decide today to tell you how often do the media. Sapegno Maria Serena, Nadia Urbinati, Ida Olivia Guaraldo Dominijanni and explain what lies behind the imagery of the Italian female gender and what it means (for better or for worse) take to the streets on Tuesday to recover and return to the Risorgimento Italy world. "To say 'forgive the world, explains the Italia' Sapegno, professor of Italian literature at the University of Rome La Sapienza and member of the' If not now when? '- Is a symbolic gesture, because you just change it Italy, and women must change. It serves a symbolic birth of another Italy. Does this mean, not 'us all mothers'. " We would point out, because the debate about the show (as well as on that of 13 February) to open within feminism is all about this. "It does not mean we are again forced into that role - precise - but that Italy needs that women also produce it, because until now was not the case." And then there's "this verbal game on the world because of this horrendous culture around the world laughs at us. But if women can tell it in a different way, then Italy will reopen in the world. Today, after 150 years, we redo, because there need a more just and egalitarian nation for all. "'If not now when?': Olivia agrees Guaraldi, Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Verona and co-author of 'Philosophy of Berlusconi', 'because if there is a moment where you have to take to the streets is just that, even if the tones used to convene the event of 13 February were too traditional. Say 'women's dignity is the dignity of the nation' means fielding an equivalence that can be instrumental, because the women are taken and used when needed to strengthen the nation. "Regarding the March 8, Guaraldo explains that "the Risorgimento raised today may be the need to challenge these models, "to understand" the company that there may be a complete democracy without the center there is the female self-determination and freedom of women. "But to return to the world the 'Italy - he concludes - you need to build a coalition of different actors: not exclusively women, but all the people who do not recognize themselves in this way for Paese.Non Dominijanni Ida, a columnist for Il Manifesto and Diotima female member of the community, according to which "behind the scenes of the event on 13 and the celebrations of the 150th Unit of Italy is playing an undeclared war on the mother." Why "If you call the imaginary woman who identifies with the nation, the ideal of the all-powerful woman who can make 'reborn' Italy, the risk is to return to the traditional figure of the mother guarantor of the patriarchal order, as well as etymologically suggests the word homeland: father's mother. " For Dominijanni this is the paradigm of the good woman, who works, brings children into the world and save the community at risk, as opposed to the disturbing presence of 'women Permal' surrounding the Sultan. " But this is not the point: "It seems to me obvious that the Berlusconi-gate, staging the extreme poverty of a certain model of masculinity, affects the dignity of men before than women, and should force them to face squarely the responsibility and complicity in relation to that model. "all activities to split the discussion and passionate, but in a few hours to return to the streets. Enough with mimosas and gifts, the ' March 8 should go back to being a secular celebration of women's work and a time to raise the claims: the cry of 'Reclaim the March 8, "the Committee" If not now when "wants to give continuity in this way to what the Square on Feb. 13, when he mobilized a million people, has espresso.In a press conference, the group of women - actresses, directors, political, historical, journalists - said to have chosen the symbol of the rosette rose this year to celebrate the International Women's Day. A ribbon to hang on to a statue, a tree, the stock exchange, the motor, the window, the window of the jacket or even a staple macchina.E "virtual" with which "all tie in the Unity of 'Italy, for a rebirth of our country. " But no organized event, too close February 13, and then this was "their" event while on 8 March is a date to see all the players historically women's movements. In Rome, however, there will be a "point of presence" in Piazza Vittorio and another three points in as many squares in the periphery of the 4 squares will be "connected" by two trucks passing through the city. Major initiative of women in Turin, which will bring a gift to the "sisters" Locride flags with their "If not now when 'to be flown in their countries.All OTHER INITIATIVES' If not now QUANDO'-E the universe of Italian women targeted by the platform committee requested that the launch at the party: compulsory maternity leave and maternity pay, statutory paternity leave, rules preventing the dismissal 'prior' as the resignation in white are the relevant issues. "We must return to consider motherhood to be borne by the general taxation" said Valeria Fedeli, a former trade unionist. At the center, the issue of insecurity, which affects women in large numbers and especially girls. "On March 8 can be - explained Flavia Perina, Director of the 'Century of Italy' and the Parliamentary Assembly of Fli - the opportunity to open a dialogue on this platform - because they do not even compare to this?". "No step back from issues of February 13 - added by answering the questions - there will be an opportunity to resume his speech, beginning March 17, the feast of the Unification of Italy." "We will reopen after the March 8 - has assured Francesca Izzo - the great debate about what women want to do and how to rely on the public stage."
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