Rather than "D factor" would have to call this event "Factor B". B. Berlusconi, of course. All women of the PDL in the field to defend against attacks by the Chief instrumental "a politicized judiciary," the left and a square, on 13 February, "demagogic," with women, as the Minister certifies for equal opportunities, Mara Carfagna, who experienced together "from their boys, blinded by ideological fury." "A procession of insults with the sole objective to ask Berlusconi to resign." The 'Q factor' of the PDL, which meets in Rome Auditorium della Tecnica promising to talk about work and employment for women, is launching a frontal attack on movement 'senonoraquando "and investigations in Milan, without giving up a bit' of propaganda for internal use on the" great work that only right-wing governments have done to women ": the law on stalking, more jobs, more nurseries (never arrived), the shares rose. More than a business appointment looks like a consolation match. The awakening of the blue pride, healthy carriers of "values \u200b\u200bhealthy", family, children, jobs and promote a new revolution "at the end of which will be the men to ask for the shares." Skeptics males in the audience. Paolo Bonaiuti delivered the written message of the premier, while Beatrice Lorenzin, head of the Department of Equal Opportunities calls on the press 'breath to leave to the ministers in the front row "and the governor of the Lazio Renata Polverini, poses" Daje famous' na photos '. Michela Vittoria Brambilla distributes smiles, the Minister Sacconi takes place, there are no Daniela Stefania Prestigiacomo.Si Santanché and partially by Prime Minister's words: "Dear friends, you heard me say many times: you women are better than us." Assures: "We recognize that talented people in all areas of life and we want to become a normal and not exceptional, that women holding decision-making roles in the life of our society." If anyone expects a critical note to the facts dell'Olgettina, sexual performance paid with institutional roles, cars and jewelry, it means that he has not understood anything of the spirit of this initiative. The problem is not here and there, on the left. Giorgia Meloni part with soft tones, "In here there is hatred, we are the bearers of other emotions, love for our nation. We choose to meet with reality and humanity. " Then he pulls out the claws, "We are first of all the militants are not the geese. We are always criticized for being "fascist enhanced" or "prostitute" or "hen of power", I cite the copyright of a man who insists on calling someone "intellectual" and who bears the name of Giorgio Bocca. Carfagna claims: "We're not been catapulted from the halls of power." It is also time to stop this "sense of inferiority compared with co-workers left," we have nothing to learn, "because now" they should take a lesson from us. " Cynthia Bonfrisco screams: "We are sisters in Italy, we're the best, most capable, no government ministers of the Republic has never had so good and so beautiful." Thunderous applause. Gelmini to protesters: "I respect their indignation, but I also say the anger is not the eleventh commandment and has not even produced great results in this country." The heat becomes unbearable, the chairs are empty when Carfagna must start talking again to close the work. The round table with the social partners and the Minister Sacconi is compressed in time. "I will do another." Gianni Alemanno is an analysis of the facts: "There's a rhetoric of feminism, there is an instrumentality of the left that is used in all circumstances. But the reality is that in recent years where the female population has made some progress "has been the center for excellence. With regard to sexual violence, Alemanno has no doubt has its roots in "a culture of consumerism, hedonism, who presented sex as a commodity to be consumed. We who believe in family values \u200b\u200band the person we need to challenge this culture was born when they uprooted the traditional values \u200b\u200bof society and the radical liberalism has imposed a material logic. " Go to the prime minister to explain that the PDL is against sex as a commodity to be consumed.
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