Letizia, Casoria the blonde who was the first in April 2009 revealed "daddy" to the rest of the world, was the guest of bunga bunga Arcore in February 2010. And that is why, in all probability, that lamammaAnna Palumbo received in March 2010, a bank of twenty thousand euro directly from the bank account of Silvio Berlusconi. All the stories come back. And that's Ruby, the feasts of the President possibly with minors, "girls who have the dragon" as he wrote Veronica Lario, returns most of the others. The special comes out from reading the documents lodged for the immediate trial of Silvio Berlusconi accused of extortion and child prostitution with the Moroccan Karim El Magrough called Ruby. On August 3, 2010 Ruby makes two reports of summary information to the oven and pmPietro Antonio San Germano. The prosecutor, sections on crime weak, is interested in the girl after the well-known reliance on Nicole Minetti, the dispute - a settimanadopo - with a Brazilian prostitute who hosts it and why that girl "problematic" very imaginative and have the cops stop said immediately that it is a friend of Berlusconi. " The first reports date back to 2, 6 and July 22, tales of his life desperately difficult and burns caused by her father (photographed by the investigators), the twin sister "called Rayla and lives in Morocco with her maternal grandmother," she study of the Koran, beauty pageants, the escape from Letojanni and the arrival in Milan in December 2009 that the door straight into a tour escort who is a prostitute in the houses in luxury hotels. On July 22, is set for the first time on record the name of Silvio Berlusconi: "The person who gave me the necklace is Silvio Berlusconi, who I met twice in Arcore (...) I was initially told that I was 24 and the second time we met, always Arcore, Berlusconi had learned from Lele Mora in reality I have 17 years. "Undettaglio this crucial for the prosecution against the prime minister who has always supported did not know until May 27 that Ruby was a minor. The inquiry, then, goes beyond the evidence collected to that point. "I never prostituted - Ruby continues - nor do I have to pay maiaccettato sex ...». We know that in fact the same in Ruby interceptions and many witnesses have already told them about the opposite. But back to the minutes of 3agosto. "Berlusconi - given various sommedi raccontaRuby miha-money, in three months, from February to May, 187,000 euro 'or taken directly because "sent through his oautista Angelo." The first meeting was February 14 (...) "after dinner tricolor Berlusconimiha proposed to go down the bunga bunga saying that the term he borrowed from his friend and showed Gaddafi in which a sort of harem girls get naked and have him experience sexual pleasure. Until then I was told Berlusconi that I was 24 years, the president took me to his office suggesting that lamia life would change completely if I had agreed to participate in bunga bunga together with other girls. Permenon was difficult to imagine that I intended to have sex with him (...)». On that first evening, febbario 2010, and then D'Addario Casoria scandal exploded and already digested, the encounter between Naomi and Ruby. "I had to know Letizia known as" the darling of popes. " He asked me how old I was, I said 24 and he said that both the preferred Silvio lei.Hosaputo was then that between Naomi and the President had been an intimate relationship of a sexual nature. " It 's a fact documented in the documents lodged on 10 March 2010, a month later that evening at Arcore, Anna Palumbo, mother of Naomi, received "from the bank account of the Monte dei Paschi 1.29 made out to Silvio Berlusconi a transfer by way of interest-free loan of 20 000 €.
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