Thursday, December 30, 2010
What Are Basque People Like
The idea is compelling and original narrative. The classic premise for a story; the answer to the question "What if ...?" . The contrast
psychology of the characters is well defined.
Ma .. the story is not convincing, because it lacks plausibility.
Islamic fundamentalist terrorism is basically a desperate. Social despair. And rarely belongs to the rich world, middle class and with a conscience formed and settles over the centuries by the Enlightenment, Romanticism, secularism, rationalism, relativism, scientism, communism, liberalism, sociology ...
A world where, instead, belongs to the novel's protagonist. So
not credible.
unlikely that one so you get to sacrifice their lives for an ideal, too weak, easily rebuttable, for a mind as his intellectual.
unlikely that one so you get to sacrifice their lives without faith (to believe ... I mean really) into a paradise of the righteous in the afterlife, in a ransom escotologico real.
One way is too bored with life, but nothing very desperate and hopeless socially.
short, a good story, curious, certainly to be read lightly, but remember that, as Mario Vargas Llosa, the novels should tell "the truth of lies" .
Franco Ferrari, intellectual, successful, and basically moderate spirit secular, takes stock of its disastrous private life. In particular, no longer bear to live a life devoid of all passion and ideal, lazy and passive in the face of persistent attacks led to a model of society, the western one, which nevertheless feels compelled to defend. What's more, the relationship with a woman of Tunisian origin and the meeting with a Saudi dignitary's open our eyes to the greater "vitality" of Islam, a Christian, he realizes, at best, he believes, is a Muslim certain, and for this reason that is not afraid of extreme behavior. He was born in an intention to do something concrete, a need that is becoming more pressing as a result an interview with the dying already Veronesi, famous journalist and polemicist, and a kind of "call" from the past. An ancestor who participated in the Battle of Vienna on 11 September 1683, where the army of Mohammed IV was stopped, seems to call to action. In the end, Frank sees an unprecedented project: entering a mosque wearing an explosive belt and blow himself up, showing the world that is capable of handling a Western absolutes. First, however, explain its reasons in a long letter, and will procure a witness who says the last part of the story. But no plan, not even the most perfect, takes into account all contingencies.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Somthing To Write On Guest Book Of A Weding Card
be read in the mountains. Possibly during the winter ... with snow!
A beautiful novel that explores the psychology of people "far away" mentality of the "urban people". Veronesi
remains a skillful storyteller. Very good exercise to show two different views (as in Queneau's Exercises in Style , so to speak ...)
The narrative alternates between the ego a priest and a psychiatrist (XY notes ...) is Found a better narrative.
really a good novel compelling than those that occur rarely, and you'd have time to be able to finish in one night "dark and stormy."
certainly very different from the more famous Quiet Chaos , Which describes a rather bourgeois world metropolis.
Synopsis: "I told the police, I told the prosecutor, I told everyone who asked me" what you see? ": The tree, we have seen, the tree is frozen. It was the first thing we saw on arrival at the forest - and even after, when we saw the rest, was the only thing we've seen a whole. The tree. He was there in his place, at the mouth of the forest, as always crystallized in its coat of ice, whose transparency was overshadowed by fresh snow - but it was red. It was red, so, as if Beppe Formento, in the ice, he'd put cherry syrup in the cannon. In fatal that white was the only thing that kept a form, and it seemed - no exaggeration - on, of that inner button auroral light that I still find myself dreaming. Dream the transparency red, yes, even today, and dream without the tree, now, more without even the shape of the tree: the dream that color and nothing else. Imprisoned in a sunset sky of gelatin, a curtain of red quartz drops on my sleep, a huge Charms candy that you eat the world, I continued to dream of the red transparency and continue to do so, because this is what we have seen, When we arrived at the forest. What have you seen? We saw a tree full of frozen blood. "
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Cholestorol Eating Before Test
A book useful and motivational, half way (it's appropriate to say ...) between the user, the wise and the simple dispensing tips.
very specific directions for those wishing to undertake the practice of "walk" every day and for those who want to start trekking.
what makes you think and how important in our lives actually walk again and return to walk in our minds and our thinking.
ideally be read in the pauses between a walk and another and periodically review how to strengthen the motivation to walk every day to fight laziness and temptation of abandoning ... on the couch.
Synopsis If walking is a pleasure, it can also be reflecting on this activity, the oldest of the human race. This volume collects Gianfranco Bracci, in its interventions and other walkers, reflections and advice on a variety of topics ranging from philosophy of walking to the sense of walking (stimulated by the thought of writers, thinkers and poets), from walking barefoot yoga as a walking meditation. In its variety and complexity is a book that you can appreciate the simplicity and naturalness with which the author approaches the topic, without any presumption or pedantry; simplicity and naturalness that clearly come from the long experience of walker and trekker. The book is divided into three sections (1. On the walk, 2. Walking, where, how, when, 3. Feel like walking) is not limited to reflection, but also voted to practical advice on where to walk (along the great routes, walk without a compass / map / GPS journey along the paths of the spirit, walking in the snow, etc..), on when (in winter, or in old age) and how (trip planning, food and clothing, Nordic Walking technique , etc.).. As it is enriched by a variety of contributions from many authors, known and unknown (though they are all keen walkers), the volume is a curious and enjoyable reading on which to dwell, for example, in the pauses of a trek.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Indian Washing Big Breast
This book is really nice, a nice ironic and sharing of delusions between bibliophiles (or bibliofagi as the author calls them). You feel less alone in their oddities in books, on their own superstitious gestures and movements with autism, linked to the world of books.
Some examples? Here are more traditional. The
afraid to lend books to throw even the worst of yellow romanzacci bought for 20 cents in some second-hand book stall, for the most compulsive syndrome that interest, bookmarks and ears to the pages; the post-it or underscores pencil and Homer dilemma ... What do promotional tie that says, for example, "finalist witch ..." or "to read. (New York Times )..."?
Anyway ... to read ;-)
A little book for people who love books, for whom, even before its content, like the object itself. Annie Francois analyze all the possible pleasures - from the tactile to the smell - as well as aspects - the texture of the paper, the cover, the flap - related to the book. He knows, and feeds, the obsessions of the reader "bulimic": the fear of spoil, loan, ruining if borrowed, the ritual tearing of the choice of books to bring holiday, the drama of having to throw some for reasons of space. Then we discover that others, handling and reading a book, living emotions similar to ours, be readers who gives us a sense of belonging, makes us feel less alone in the world.
A. Francois, the reader, Tea 2008
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Breasts Tingly After Period
I read a lot of criticism and controversy about this book, so I thought it was a good book to read. Scontatezza some criticism of the characters and on some worlds, the supposed cleverness of the author, that has used the true story of a girl who died of leukemia 15 years to build the story.
the mother of the girl resentment is understandable and should be respected, but the others?
moralism hairy Italian! Always see the rot behind everything and to consider "normal" the rotten truth.
The author hath been inspired by a true story? Where's the scandal? He made the truth verosimigliante! A must for a writer!
He invented a character in "good" and not meeting adolescents empty of reality? Who would be the moral and stereotypes? (But there's that word?)
The professor of the novel is an alternate member of the nerd stereotype essay and philosophizing? You've never met? There
thank God! They are the ones that save some of our boys from the miseducation of the company the media today!
There are, thank God, for those lucky enough to meet at least one on your own path.
Well ... Permit me a digression is the Bible (Genesis 18, 20-32):
In those days, saith the Lord: "The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave. I will go down and see whether they have done all the evil that has come up to me cry, I want to know. " Those men left there and went toward Sodom, while Abraham was still before the Lord.
Abraham approached him and said, "Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city: really want to delete them? And do not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? Far away from you to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be as the wicked; away from you! Perhaps the Judge of all the earth do right? ".
the Lord said: "If you find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city to forgive them all about that place."
Abraham answered and said: "It is presumptuous to speak to my Lord, I who am dust and ashes, perhaps I will miss five of the fifty righteous, for these five destroy the whole city?". He replied: "Do not destroy it, if I find forty-five. Abraham
shooting still talking to him and said: "Perhaps there shall be forty found." He replied: "I will not, for the sake of forty."
He said, "It's not my Lord be angry if I speak again, perhaps thirty are found there."
said: "I will not, if I find thirty there."
He said, "It is presumptuous to speak to my Lord! Perhaps twenty are found there. " He replied: "Do not destroy it for those winds."
He said, "It's not my Lord be angry if I speak just once more: Perhaps it will
ten." He replied: "Not destroy it for the sake of ten. "
Here is the question we should ask ourselves today. There are at least ten
teachers in our school right? (Mind you: right, not perfect) There are at least ten young people in our society as well? At least ten adults, children, parents, old ...?
Well, it will be due at least ten if you just save our school, our future and our society.
From the back cover: "Leo is a sixteen year old like so many, love chatting with friends, football, the raids on scooters and lives in perfect symbiosis with its iPod. The hours spent in school are a torture, the professors "a protected species that hope is extinguished permanently." Thus, when a new alternate history and philosophy, he is preparing to welcome him with cynicism and balls soaked with saliva. But this young teacher is different: the light shines in the eye when he says, when spurs students to live intensely, to seek their dream. Leo feels within himself the strength of a lion, but there is an enemy that terrifies him: white. White is the absence, everything in his life relates to the deprivation and loss is white. The red hand is the color of love, passion, blood, red is the color of the hair of Beatrice. Why Leo's got a dream and called Beatrice, though she still does not know. Leo also has a reality, closer, and, like all the appearances close, harder to see Silvia and its really reliable and quiet. When he discovers that Beatrice is sick and that the disease has to do with that white so that scares him, Leo will have to dig deep within himself, and bleed reborn, to understand that dreams can not die and find the courage to believe in something bigger "
IBS Review: " They are full of nuances eyes when the teacher tells the stories of the Thousand and One Nights, telling the story of humble men who do not know they have a treasure buried in front of the door of the house and travel at breakneck speed across the desert in search of a dream. The professor "Dreamer", according to his high school class of sixteen, she knows nothing of real life is after all only an alternate "loser" ... but when those kids look disheveled and sleepy appears before the entire color palette of earth and lights up with enthusiasm. For
Leo, however, things in life can have only two colors: white and red. White is the emptiness, boredom, silence, solitude. is the tremendous feeling that all the guys feel, that the world is completely detached and indifferent, that everything is meaningless and alien. The red hand is the blood pumping through veins before a game against the second D is the adrenaline that goes up when shoot him sfidone "in scooter with Nico. Red is Beatrice. Every evening after school Beatrice, with her red hair, wait at the bus stop, while Leo the speed past at full speed every time risking his life. He would do anything to attract his attention, because Leo is love, is crazy about Beatrice.
For a boy of sixteen, in the grip of the two parents are always present and attentive, there are philosophies of life to embrace, or moral systems to follow. There is no superstructure and turns of phrase, the authority must demonstrate that parents and the forced socialization of the school timetable, requirements and tests in mathematics. In the eyes of a teenager in love the only thing that matters is life and life is an eternal trepidation. Sometimes, though, even the beautiful and promising youngsters like Leo may happen that all come apart in your hands. Sometimes, at worst, it can happen that enthusiasm goes off suddenly, the wires you break suddenly, the dream of your whole life, that fragile and precious thing that was moving every step you take, you explode in your face.
Then we take a look amazed. We, the professor dreamer who pursues him to the parks and benches in the city, his mother, who wants to keep it tight like a child, as well as Sylvia, her best friend who would like magic to give him all the strength that can could only be a woman. Suddenly
in Leo's life, everything becomes white, like the blood of a person who has a disease that can shut down, consume, we have all the red in the body. White pain as crowds of people who do not know any way how does one deal with such an illness, such as fear that makes us run away, run far away, as fast as we can, away from death.
It is written with a simple heart and a sensitive pen, this story of young rich and good. is written by a high school teacher who has put in each row not just feelings, but also many quotes, images and references that shine with wisdom. For those who are expecting yet another novel training will be a surprise. So is discovering that adolescence is much more than age, is an ineffable and crazy wind that ruffles the life
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Fotoadapter Leica Apo Televid 77 Nikon Camera
A good book, very erudite and language a bit ' cryptic.
Veneziani is a sophisticated thinker, no doubt, but she has written better in my opinion.
In this essay has dealt a big topic, so single-subject, and then could not help but wander among the infinite worlds.
However, a useful book, because it thought-provoking and leaves just before the destiny. A vision is certainly not pessimistic, but certainly a bit '... Fatalistic.
From the back cover: "In the ordinary sense, destiny is conceived as a cruel policeman who pulls nails in the life of a lot. In reality, the fate of being rooted in the future, gives meaning to the incident , connects the existence of a draft and a persistence. To be is to have a destiny. "Today we live in a desert full of sense of accessories. We have everything except the meaning of life. And for the first time we feel a short space and time, which together produce eradication, that is an irreparable loss place felt like home and refuge, and "instant", that disappeared in the past and the future of this maelstrom. not free ourselves from the fate has given us the freedom and wisdom, he left us at the mercy of the case, a tyrant even more blind and more neutral. You can now reconsider the fate of recognizing intelligent design to life outside the determinism of science? Marcello Veneziani deals with the fate of reading by turning the key "to height of man "and passing by fate itself - and solemn metaphysical entity - her lovers, or those who before the sunset of history, faith and thought it does not pretend that nothing has happened, not to go back and even welcomes the release occurred, but again the thought in relation to reality and this tabula rasa. An attempt to overcome nihilism and Nietzsche, referring back to classical and neo-Platonic tradition, to Simone Weil and Maria Zambrano "
Veneziani M., Amor fates. Life between chance and destiny, Mondadori 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Why Do I Ache A Week After The Gym
It 's a book that makes one think. On the most basic things and granted in our daily lives. So Rates do not notice them even more.
The use of hands, for example, has become a skill undertone.
The use of hands as skills related to thought, to deduct the rational implementation.
The "know how" everything has moved on intellectual abilities. Knowing how to use your hands just know how to use a keyboard, touch screen, mouse, remote control, a keyboard of a machine. As in the game.
capacity of observation, deduction and repair we have definitely lost. If something breaks, something concrete, simply replace it, if not directly buy back everything we have Ikea, Leroy Merlin, Trony, Ebay. Even we look to understand how it is made and maybe just replace a screw.
Our business activity has become the consumption function consumption.
And in the end our hands more and more detached from our minds: how to deal with the virtual reality and if it provides us with an iPhone application that mimics a cold or hot on the video phone, was thrilled as a big victory for progress.
We have fire and ice in nature, but prefer their virtual imitations.
Re-learn how to use your hands, get the manual, it means re-teach the mind to emancipate themselves and stimulating their spirit of survival.
A concrete example
told by Mauro Corona.
Two spouses were lost while hiking in a forest and were found frozen to death some days later. In his pocket, one of the two, had an entire box of matches.
The two have died, because they can not light a fire to warm up. Dramatic, but true.
From the back cover: "Being able to do good things for your pleasure: a simple and strict rule of life that has allowed the development of refined techniques and the emergence of modern scientific knowledge. Fabbri, jewelers, instrument makers united material knowledge and manual dexterity: the mind and hand worked reinforcement, an ensign to the other and vice versa. But is not the only manual work to take advantage of the synergy between theory and practice. Because those who know how to govern themselves and self determination and respect for rules, Sennett argues, not only will build a beautiful violin, a perfect mechanism, or watch from a bridge capable of challenging the millennia, but will also be a citizen right. The Craftsman tells of Roman engineers and jewelers of the Renaissance, the eighteenth-century Parisian printers and factories of industrial London, a historic route through which Sennett reconstructs the fault lines that separate technical and and crafts, creation and application. The best example of "know how" modern? the group that created Linux, the craftsmen of the modern computer cathedral "
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Ovarian Cyst Hurt More Before Period

Much time has passed since the last time I took a bit of space to write here, on what was my first electronic means to make known my business Budo.
Long said, so many things happened, not least the beautiful display in early September which was attended by our Dojo and the Aikido Academy of Ferrara.
absolutely appreciated the outcome of the event and some thoughts on the same I have written elsewhere.
The academic year and restart in the best way, new guys have come closer to our discipline and Budo in general, children who already had some martial arts background but with humility and patience have decided to start the study from scratch.
was time that I dreamed of having in Dojo a friend, a companion of the practice of "Bushido", my dream came true Tuesday night, he (or rather, they) were presented with Dojo keikogi and a great desire to practice, to me was an incredible feeling, upsetting the tatami after 15 years ... uh ... did not seem real!
The emotion shone on our faces so many "adventures" they had lived together some time ago, we are going to ripraticare together, to sweat, grit their teeth as they do the real Budoka.
After the first lesson is the initial embarrassment slipped away in less time than the say, the guys with a humility worthy of any serious practitioner, despite their level they started at a good pace to pick up the basics, tai sabaki, Atemi, ukemi waza and kata. The final rei
established the close of a beautiful lesson, energy, almost mystical!
Thanks guys, thanks for the energy that you have given me, for the wonderful words of praise that you have had for my work, it means that the direction is right, the next time, the "Bushido" has united us all these years ago and that union is still alive and strong, ARIGATO!
Great Ki!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tooth Extraction In California
A beautiful story, immersive atmospheres. Certainly a book for lovers of the sea and navigation.
For others, who have had little (or nothing) to do with the sea, there are two more interesting aspects: an idea well represented emotions and feelings of what it means to go to sea and catch the subtle irony underlying the language sailor, made its own terms and exclusive: "... jumped from the cockpit the deckhouse bypassing boom and paying attention to jibe and not stumble on bitte ..." As a New Age flavor
be read outdoors, even on the beach in winter!
From the back cover: "A story of our times, a seafaring thriller set in the nineties that brings us to the North, in epic crossing of the stormy seas, from Denmark to Scotland, and twenty triggered waves that rise like walls of water, chases and escapes under sail in the company of Ulf and Torben and their Rustica, and MacDuff in the footsteps of Mary and the mysterious Celtic Circle, a secret that organization in Ireland, Scotland, Brittany and the Basque country pursues any means the dream of liberation of the Celtic people "
B. Larsson, Celtic Circle, Hyperborea 2000
Friday, September 24, 2010
Example Letter For Internet End Connection
The plot is a bit 'obvious. The story also. The narrative description of the characters flat and the idealistic and not realistic.
seems more a wish than a story. Is there a conflict dull.
short, a disappointment.
I was hoping that at least there were some good "photo of literature" in Orvieto, but he did not, because it assumes that you know very well the city and at the beauty of literary descriptions is the "perspective" emotional and transmission.
The finish then ... say that it was granted is an understatement.
If you have not read it better to do. But hurry!
From the back cover: "Matilde, a forty Roman lonely and wounded from the soul, he went to Orvieto, an ancient and beautiful city, perched on a rock of yellowish tufa, to seek refuge. is accepted by a simple, compact communities, a diverse and heterogeneous group of people whose lives are intertwined to form an unbreakable chain. At the heart of Matilda's life there are always books, and now the library in which the offer work, half and half modern antiquarian. His days unfold at a pace slow walk or riding bicycles to that familiar, the continuing discovery of glimpses of the city and the human soul. The events and passages of time are marked by his reading, as if between the lines of a story or verse, he hid the mystery of his pain, his boils never solved. Orvieto but also has its secrets, hidden in homes, in the depths of the wells in the woods of chestnut trees that surround it. It will be an ancient and majestic chestnut tree to open and close the story, to show the body of a hanged man hanging from one of its branches, framed by dark and impenetrable boundaries, something that happened ten years before and had forgotten that back in the limelight by accident and will affect seriously the fate of the entire the community. "
Pattavina V., The Bookseller of Orvieto, Fanucci 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Orkester Sound Bank Cd Reason Mac
A novel very pleasant and above all very ethnic. Mediterranean. We glimpse many aspects of life in Greece and the Greeks. Anecdotes that sometimes flow into the commonplace.
The plot is always apt and the strength of the story.
Proverbial Commissioner's statement on its Greek: "Ask ten Greek to do something. Nine of them will tell you now that it is impossible, and then chase you when you are about to leave, "
not read it by boat!
From the back cover: "When a group of Greek nationalists took possession of a ferry with three hundred passengers on board, the commissioner Charitos soon becomes clear that it will not be a case like the others on that ship is his daughter Katrina. So begins an investigation that will put their backs to the wall, the police officer who likes to say of himself "is not a Rambo, but a greek complex", but this time will have to watch helplessly as the investigation is entrusted to the anti-terrorist squad . A maze of crime, politics and mass media reveals un'Atene sprawling and full of pitfalls, where Charìtos moves with his usual wit and irony, but search for the thread that binds together the killings that bloody night in the city. Once again, the mysterious noir atmosphere of the Greek capital are the backdrop for a thriller thrilling, fast-paced "
Markaris P., The Long Hot Summer by Commissioner Charitos, Bompiani 2009
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Lorna Morgan Medieval
Continue philosophical debate about the practice. To understand if you really fundamentally philosophical practice can help an existential reflection or not. But if so, why the need to specialize? should not philosophize all, whatever happens? It was not, in fact a practice common to all antiquity? Is there need to "pathologize" the inconvenience to justify an intervention specialist?
From the back cover: "This book is based on three topics are closely related. Presents an idea of \u200b\u200bphilosophy, an idea of \u200b\u200bcare and an idea man. The assumption is that care is an essential part of man and that philosophy is the form of care. In essence, sees man as a being in need of care and the same philosophy as a cure. If "cure" can be said with many meanings, one in here emerges with particular force: the existence of philosophy as therapy. The current recovery of a practical dimension of philosophy, and its therapeutic role, through caring existence in order to tackle the evils that are inherent and should be avoided or overcome those who depend on us. "A medicine for the soul Cicero said - there certainly is the philosophy and"
Balistreri AG, Taking care of yourself. Therapeutic philosophy as the human condition, Apogee 2006
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Cd Burner Xp Multiple Cd
This small and simple book is very interesting, even to understand how a character so controversial, has been fascinated generations of people who have entered the sphere "damn" s' violent extremism of the 60s and 70s. The merit of this paper lies mainly in the fact that is seen with a critical eye of a right, certainly not radical, but more closely than others in the area of \u200b\u200breference. His criticisms are therefore free from any part of simplification. And that criticism! Demolenti rather fierce and not so much human Evola, as the myth evolved. " The introduction
then it is very beautiful because the author describes some of their childhood experience.
It reads very well and recommend it highly.
From the back cover: "More than thirty years after his death, Julius Evola is still a point of reference for the ideological world of the radical right. Resist his anti-modern philosopher of myth and legend of one of his Racism harmless because "Spiritual." Does it make sense to distinguish racism "spiritual" from biological racism? Provide racism / antisemitism reasons "spiritual" change the substance of the injury? Julius Evola's theories are really only "spiritual" or are just a failed attempt to sweeten the substance of racism / anti-Semitism? For Evola can not speak of a "curly" racist, but a radical and persistent racism that the conservative thinker at the service of Mussolini's turn, even at the cost of adapting the contents of the policy needs of fascism, never criticize the racial laws he not applied too moderate because of "discrimination." The evoliana "race of spirit "does not escape the biological determinism, and even turns into a totalitarian racism, more demanding, which differs from that of the" Manifesto of the race "just for the definition of the Italian race as" Aryan-Roman "rather than" Aryan-Nordic " "
From the review in The INDEX Francesco Germinario: " Right, the book has gone unnoticed, or has had some critical review. Et pour cause ... The author, an organic intellectual right-wing National Alliance proposes to relegate to the attic of the most celebrated author. In the opening pages, Smith confessed that he had suffered in his youth - the reference is to the first half of seventies - the influence of thought evolved, being tied to a more pragmatic and less ideological than the right. In any case, it is governed by Evola, so Fiuggi Rossi presents his culture: "The problem is that his apocalyptic catastrophe - that his meta torticollis - a right is compatible with modern and modernizing, politically reactionary and reformist, pragmatic and non-ideological. " Well said. There is a second reason that makes the essay interesting. To enact the abandonment of Evola, Rossi sinks the knife in the most delicate - not for historians, but for evolomani - the body of theoretical and political evolved, its racism, and right have made it increasingly peripheral. In short, Smith seems to suggest the right, Evola is not present because racist. Moreover, Smith considers just a "legend", as the subtitle, the racism of the spirit. This is aimed not at superameto biological setting, but rather to its "integration". This means that racism was not an exactly opposite to the Nazis, as his admirers have always claimed, but "more refined and effective, in which they are ill-hidden - behind smoke vocabulary - the suggestions of the concept of race in vogue at the time of Romanticism and Social Darwinism. " Here too, well said. We mentioned in the subtitle, but perhaps the best title to Evola - Just for its spiritualist pretensions - it was a racist totalitarian as is necessary to add any anti-Semitic position "
Scipione Rossi G., The racist totalitarian. Evola and the legend of anti spiritual Rubbettino 2008
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Does Pomegranate Juice Increase Complexion
A great fairy novel, the equally great Michael Ende, the author of "The Neverending Story", one of those novels where you wonder if the term "Fiction for Children" is indeed reductionist (and it certainly is).
Ende tackles one of the most difficult of philosophical arguments of all time: The time. But it does with the simplicity of a young girl and how the simplest things are the end, the deeper and more complicated things only reveal the confusion and contradictions of life rather than the complexity of the soul.
The implicit question that Ende shows through the characters of the story is "Why, in spite we run more and do everything to" save time ", doing more things in the shortest possible time and faster time, us, we have less and less? " .
And I'm sorry if it is little! A universal philosophical dilemma, which starts and ends in Seneca Nietzsche!
It 's the contradiction the modern, or, to quote Nietzsche, nihilism is generated by the triumph of technology on man and the divine.
A book that children should advise their parents always busy and out of breath.
And if the great, dear boys, were to answer that have little time to read, then you'll have to read ... the evening before going to bed, turning off their TV (the real, to quote Karl Popper, "thief of time" ! [ K. Popper, bad teacher television ])
Finally, I propose again the riddle in the book: In a house
there standard three brothers who
sometimes they are ugly and sometimes beautiful.
They are really different from each other.
But if you'll try to distinguish
alike will find them identical.
The first because there is coming.
The second is because there is no way out.
There is only the third, the youngest of three,
but there are others where the third is not.
And this country on which I spread my
exists only because the second
the first turns, dying. If you then look at the
want one of the other brothers will see.
Tell me, baby, the three are one?
or just two? - Or neither?
If their name you'll find three great kings
They rule with a large kingdom
and they themselves are the great kingdom
and are equal in the great kingdom. "
will find the solution in the book!
From the back cover: "Among the ruins of an amphitheater on the edge of a big city, finds refuge a strange girl, who escaped from the orphanage does not even know their age. The people in the area, who watch intrigued, he says his name was Momo. Before long the little girl wins the trust and sympathy of all, anyone with a problem that goes from Momo gives advice and does not comment, only to listen with such intensity that the other person is alone the answer to his questions. One day the agents of a so-called Savings Time is also present in the microcosm consists of Momo and his friends. All falling into the trap of the "Grey Lady", and Momo is facing the situation alone ... "
reviewer of" The Index "(card Levi Montalcini, A., Index 1985, No. 1 ) "Living consumes time but retains the quality of life, save time off the life and destroys it over time. Ende tells the tale of the ancient conflict between life and death in a more subtle and modern: a Momo, the child can listen so much to hear and then hear the music, the silences and the adventures of the inner life, oppose Messrs Gray, foggy, cold and insinuating that can transform life into an empty and meaningless repetitive and the human heart in a sterile and noisy. Momo's fight against the Grey Lady comes to life with continuous inventions: the wandering vortex which creates the storms, the turtle Cassiopeia that predict the future, but only for the next half hour, the room clocks Maltro Hora, the keeper of time and place where the dream of spring and come the hour. The wealth of images compensates for the rare moments in which the conflict can not draw from the fairy size. "
M. Ende, Momo, 1984 LonganesiWednesday, April 21, 2010
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Monday, February 1, 2010
Baixar Programa Softwell Brother

us Saturday I woke up early and loaded the car I started to Milan for a day's lesson by Certa Sensei.
After going through all the long and Emilia Ligabue heard his first songs that expressed in an unequivocal manner, and a lot more now, the origin of "Misty" and farmer, born in this land that we know well, arrival finally to its destination without a hitch it slow.
Obviously the other participants had already arrived in the living areas rather than adjacent to Milan, I hate to be late!
Changed the speed of light and worn keikogi are entered into the dojo, the others had already had a chance to warm up a bit, I did not have the time, starting immediately with the Aiki Taiso, however, that in itself warm enough (he was born on purpose) and prepares the body for various movements more or less complex to tackle.
The "tension" in me was not walking, we saw after a while and I wanted to look good, show me what I was trained!
Turning to the strengthening muscle exercises terrible for those not used to (luckily I do it often enough and it all slipped away well).
are then passed to the practice with some senior students who helped me in every way with great humility and cooperation, despite my daily training, some things are beyond me and they always have corrected if required, thanks!
After some time (a lot) of work on the ground I was allowed to go to Bokuto; the pace of training and the extreme concentration have meant that the hardness of the techniques and above all the practice time we went almost without my noticing, the adrenaline in me ran lot, as I said I wanted to do well. Some
Kata and get the stop here for lunch.
include a speech and the other Sensei has demonstrated his "humility" and open-mindedness and spirit inviting us to turn to the various Dojo, knowing other people, seeing other types of practice and other methods of teaching, because he has as the yardstick on the value of the person, sure of itself, is second to none, in fact, they look like a true teacher should always different associations do .... or not!
Should I go to Japan I know Sensei, will happen sooner or later, the better the quality of things rather than quantity!
In the afternoon we returned to work in pairs to Tachi, a workout really exhausting, uninterrupted, hard, martial, no frills ... as it should be, then move on to other kata with bokuto, and here I have to thank me further Sensei provided an opportunity to study some outside my next exam, but he saw me coming from Kendo prepared and so ready to learn kata "superior."
Among several suggestions, and "anecdotal" I hold absolutely for me almost as "treasures" and that I in turn reveal to my students, has reached the end of the day, hard, a real day of Jutsu, without exaltation pseudo Japanese, without unnecessary frills, I must say that, once back in the car a smile of satisfaction I marked his face, the body is now in pieces but the spirit was flying high!
I have attended many workshops, seminars, courses, etc. but I hardly found much consistency, martial and humility as this time, I would like to thank the participants, the Sensei and me too, why not, if I had not got up the other morning I would not have the opportunity to learn so much! Great
Ki !!!!!!!!!!!!